Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Never alone.

Sometimes I think that I'm alone here in Tucson, AZ, and that all the game developers are on the east and west coasts, in Europe, in Japan. This is a silly thing to think though. This is an excerpt of what was at the top of the business section in the Daily Star today. It's an article about the limited supply of PS3s (putting the final nail in my coffin prediction in light of the massive number of units Nintendo has).
Robin Marshall may qualify as coolest mom in the world.
When her 15-year-old son, Colton, said he wanted to camp overnight outside a computer game store to make sure he could reserve the soon-to-be released PlayStation 3, she said he could skip school the next day.
She even lent him her cell phone and sent him off with some Goldfish crackers and juice to wait outside EB Games, 9525 E. Old Spanish Trail.
"We only live maybe five or 10 minutes away. So I packed him a bag and gave him some snacks," Marshall said.
"He wants to be a game designer, and that's pretty much all he's ever wanted to be. He's a techie. He's just so excited, he can hardly wait."
The article goes on to give a little info on the limited supply of PS3s. It doesn't discuss the PS3 hardware itself or mention competition.

I've met (on the internet) and heard of people like me, people who have wanted to have a hand shaping video games their whole lives, but they've never lived in Tucson. I don't think I'll find and contact him; I'd be pretty creeped out as a 15-year-old if someone four years my senior called me at home and said, "Hey I read about you in the paper. Let's talk games." I don't consider myself shy or socially awkward but that's a little much even for me. I'll just take the story at face value and breathe a little easier that I'm not alone in this.

I've been doing a lot of thinking over this article about a young man I'll probably never meet. It makes me wonder, how many lives do we touch without realizing it? How many times might an offhanded comment I made led to someone re-thinking their lives? What deeds have I done, insignificant and instantly forgotten, that stayed with someone witnessing it for days, months, forever? But of course, we can never know.



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